Good News: KBLI Project 80% Done!
I'm very excited to inform you all that KBLI is 80% done! I found a glimmer of motivation early this week to just get over KBLI and finish it since I got tired of putting KBLI on hold. And within 2-4 days I went form 50% to 80% complete! Basically, KBLI itself is finished, but I still need to "polish" it by adding the remaining GP custom lines on the taxiways, add the ramp/apron flood lights, correctly place all the taxi signs in their place, and last but not least, edit the landclass around the Bellingham area so I can upload the 3 other airports I've had on hold for far too long. I'm estimating by the end of next week KBLI will be fully finished, and be ready for upload. Keep an eye out for KBLI, it will be uploaded to this website (duh) and Also be sure to go to and check out my latest release KDKX airport, a requested airport from a friend of mine (1 of only 3 requests I'm doing so far). Once KBLI and every thing is sorted out, I will start work on Kendall Airstrip which will probably take about 2-5 days to make (airstrips are easy now for me). Anyways happy flying all!
Also here is a Sneak Peak: