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3rd Party Scenery Objects You May Need

This is a 3rd party scenery objects download section where you can download scenery objects that are needed in most of my airports (particularly the airports with a " * " next to their name). Don't worry, ALL the scenery objects I use are freeware only. All scenery objects here are used with permission and credited to the proper authors.

If you have any of the scenery objects listed below, don't bother downloading it. If you don't have any of the scenery objects below, please download it from here or download it from other websites in the links provided.

Airport Buildings by Art Poole

Part of the Library was found at AVSIM which was uploaded by Art Poole himself, however the download from my site gives Art Poole's full airport buildings libraries he sent me:

Static Airplanes by KB

This is the 2nd place you can download these static planes other than Alan Blencowe's website. Can't find them anywhere else. These were originally available at KB's website, but his domain is no longer active and KB himself isn't active in the flightsim community. Here is Alan's website where you can also download these static airplanes from:

T-Hangars by Jim Dhaenens

These are some nicely detailed T-hangars by Jim Dhaenens that I used in my 38W airport scenery. I would upload these T-hangars but Jim Dhaenen's states in his readme that he only wants these T-hangars distributed in freeware scenery you make. I assume he doesn't want these hangars uploaded any where else. Here is the link to where Jim originally uploaded his T-hangars:


NOTE: You need a account to download the hangars, which is free and easy to set one up.

EZ-Terminals by Sidney Schwartz

Nice, Small airport terminals referred to as "EZ-Terminals" created by Sidney Schwartz. I uploaded the original file structure that Sidney uploaded to himself. From what I understood, the readme stated that this package can be distributed as long as it remains freeware (of course) and that the file/package structure remains the same, unchanged. 

NOTE: Refer to the "EZ-Terminals_SS_+_installation" text document in the package for how to install the scenery objects. PLEASE read or at least scan through the document.


Because I don't want to change a thing in the package as the author wanted, here is how I would like you to install so my scenery can find the scenery objects. These instructions are similar to the "Everyone Else Installation Procedure" instructions in his original readme, except that was for FS9, my instructions are specifically for FSX.

1. Once you downloaded and unzipped to a temporary place of you choice (like your desktop), go into the package, and find the folder "All users". You will see everything is scrambled together.


2. Before you copy anything, go to your desktop, and create a folder titled something like "Sidney_Schwartz_EZ_Terminals". Once you do that, create two folders inside, one titled "scenery" and the other titled "textures".


3. Now go back to the "All Users" folder inside the package you downloaded, and copy or cut (prefer cut) the ez-terminals ss.bgl file (both the bgl file and the txt file) and paste it into the scenery folder of your Sidney_Schwartz_EZ_Terminals folder you created on your desktop.

4. Go back to the "All Users" folder again, and of you cut the bgl file out and into the scenery folder, there shouldn't be a bgl or text file left, except the .bmp texture files. Just copy/cut ALL the .bmp texture files and paste them into the textures folder of the Sidney_Schwartz_EZ_Terminals folder. This is why I prefer to cut in step 3, since it will make step 4 easier and quicker. If you didn't cut, copy only the texture .bmp files into the textures folder as described above.

5. Now copy the Sidney_Schwartz_EZ_Terminals folder once you did steps 2-4, and paste it into you FSX Addon Scenery folder.


FSX: Steam Edition Path:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Addon Scenery


Non-steam/original boxed FSX Path:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\FSX\Addon Scenery)

6. After that, start FSX, go to Settings, Scenery Library, and then click Add Area. Click Addon Scenery in the pop-up file browser, then find Sidney_Schwartz_EZ_Terminals, click on it, then select OK, and if you are using above Windows Vista (Windows 7/8/10 etc.), click on the blank white area, and that will add the scenery. Once the file browser closes, hit OK to save the changes. Now my airports will find these airport terminals.
Eventually I will be making a YouTube video tutorial on how to install/uninstall scenery object libraries in FSX.

Because of this long install note, this is why I saved this set of scenery objects for last on this page. The link to Sidney's original upload at will also be below. (need account to download it from, which is free and easy to setup).

ALL Images are taken in-game of my FSX and are screen captured by Jonathan Pavel ONLY for this website, PNW Simulations.

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